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Invisible broken wire detector circuit diagram


Invisible broken wire detector is the best device which will help to reduce the replacement of core/cables as finding the exact location of a broken wire.

Invisible broken wire detector circuit diagram

Due to prolonged usage of wire the power cord wire are subjected to mechanical strain or stress, which can lead to internal snapping or short circuiting of wires at any point .In such case most people go for replacing the core/ cable, as finding the exact location of a fault of wire.

In our day to day life we are dealing with electricity, as well as so many electrical equipment . Generally the faulty seen are breaking of wire or short circuit.

Significant of the circuit
  1. Provides a better and cheaper way of finding the fault in a wire.
  2. To detect a broken/fault wire and its breakage point without physically checking.
This circuit will detect the breakage point of a wire without disturbing any other wire. and it can save time and also it is cheaper.

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