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How to fix ads.txt file issues in blogger.

Google AdSense

Does your AdSense account has the same error as featured in the image of this post? If yes, then you are on a perfect place to fix it. If you will don’t take any action otherwise your earnings would be at risk. This post will show How to Fix this error message through  blogger.

Blogging has become one of the best profession among youngster and freelancers thanks to pay per click programs like Google AdSense and other Ad networks. There are many affiliate and advertising programs available online to monetize any blog easily. However, Google AdSense is one of the top and reliable program especially for beginners (who is looking for work from home). But 1st You should understand the basics when you start a blog for Google AdSense. Ads.txt is one such a basic error that lot of Adsense users getting these days. Here we will talk about how to fix ads.txt error in Google Adsense.

How to fix ads.txt file issues in blogger.

1. What is Ads.txt?
In order to prevent fraud in the automated digital world, the website owner can tell the advertisers about the details of the authorized networks that can sell promotion stock from their domain. Website owners can upload a file with Authorized Digital Sellers on their domain. This Authorized Digital Sellers or Ads.txt document encourages anybody to see the subtleties on the program to get the subtleties of the approved advertisement arranges that can sell stock on any site or app. This is similar to robots.txt standard broadly used to block access to content from web crawlers.

2. Who Found this Ads.txt?
Interactive Advertising Bureau is a non-profit association that assists to maintain the digital standard like ads.txt file. The work is to prevent fraud in digital advertising. You can see the specifications of the ads.txt file on the IAB Tech Lab website.

3. How Ads.txt works?
Publishers drop a text file on their website servers that lists all of the companies that are approved to sell the publishers’ inventory. This permits purchasers to check the legitimacy of the inventory they purchase.

4. Is it Important?
Obviously, because it improves transparency in an online advertisement by permitting distributors to declare who can sell their ad inventory.  Since this data is publicly accessible, it can be crawled, stored, and searched by advertisers, publishers, and resellers. If you are displaying ads on your website and utilizing Google Adsense, DoubleClick, or Ad Exchange, then adding Ads.txt file is recommended.

How to Implement ads.txt error in different Platforms

How to Solve ads.txt error in Blogger 
Blogger is a free blogging platform of Google. You can make your own blog on blogger and earn money from here. If you have been approved your blog from Google Adsense and getting this error here then you can follow the steps given below:-

  • Open Your Blog and go to the Settings Option

  • How to fix ads.txt file issues in blogger.

  • Click on Search Preference

  • How to fix ads.txt file issues in blogger.

  • Click Edit on Custom ads.txt and select Yes Option

  • How to fix ads.txt file issues in blogger.

  • Put the given code in the blank tab. (, pub-xxxxxxxx, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0) 

  • How to fix ads.txt file issues in blogger.
  • Don’t forgot to replace (xxxxxxx) with your publisher ID

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